Bachelor of Science in 教育 - 社会研究及教育

成为一名历史老师,拿个B.S.E. 社会及教育

The Division of Social Sciences 和 历史 at Delta State University offers a Bachelor of Science in 教育 with a focus 社会及教育 at the secondary level (grades 7-12). 的首要焦点 学士学位项目 社会研究 教育 is to prepare secondary social studies teachers for work in public schools. Students will have extensive coursework related to research, 理论, 实践, 和 issues (both 历史 和 contemporary) that inform the field of social studies education. 具体地说, students take courses that explore such topics such as the foundations of social studies curriculum, 多元文化教育, 和 the teaching of social studies through different modalities 和 perspectives.







Why Choose 社会研究及教育 at DSU?

Student sitting at desk with history book, tablet, 和 phone sitting on the desk.

The 社会研究及教育 program at Delta State University prepares students to be outst和ing educational practitioners 和 scholars. Social Studies educators can teach a variety of topics that include: Geography, 历史, 公民, 经济学, 社会学, 和更多的. We believe all students can learn 和 be academically successful. Learning is a lifelong 和 cyclical endeavor, 和 critical 和 creative thinking are essential skills for all learners. The basic aim of education is to teach essential skills 和 raise critical consciousness, 和 the B.S.E. 社会及教育 at DSU gives you the tools needed to guide students to a higher underst和ing of the field. The importance 和 value of equitable representation in the classroom cannot be overstated, 和 our program ensures that all perspectives are considered.

  • 全年接受申请
  • 全职和兼职选择
  • 选修课程的多样性
  • 教授一对一的帮助
  • Trains students to teach multiple subjects
  • 教学实习
  • Helps address the nationwide teacher shortage
  • 自1954年起获得CAEP认证
Tycen Gray, 社会研究及教育 major

The 历史 professors are personable 和 always willing to have meaningful conversations both inside 和 outside of the classroom. 他们真心投入你的生活, value deep-rooted connection when teaching concepts, 进行开放的讨论.

Tycen Gray, 社会研究及教育 major2026届

拿个B我能做什么.S.E. 学位

在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载 社会研究及教育 program aims to prepare students for a variety of fields by supplying them with the critical thinking 和 writing skills to go into many different areas. Our classes will be able to prepare students for any field they choose post graduating. 一些选项包括: 

  • 中学教师
  • 高中教师
  • 公共历史教育家
  • 国家公园指南
  • 博物馆教育工作者
  • 学校管理员


The Division of Social Sciences 和 历史 和 its alumni recognize that higher education can be a hard burden financially on young students. This is why we are offer 9 scholarships 和 awards to our students every year. For students interested in pursuing the major 社会及教育, there is one scholarship opportunity available through the division. 然而, some 社会研究及教育 majors are also eligible for our history scholarships based on their work within their history courses. Students may also be eligible for non-program specific scholarship opportunities.


The goals of the program are to prepare students to become well-informed teachers through a commitment to pursuing questions that matter. 学生将研究理论, 历史, 经验, 和 pedagogical questions to better underst和 the current topics 和 debates of social studies education. 主题将包括, 但不限于:种族, class, 性别, 性, 宗教, 能力, 地理和文化差异, 访问, 股本, 内容知识.


Applicants of this program must meet Delta State University’s 本科入学要求.


  • 三年级状态
  • Acceptable scones on ONE of the following:
    • Passing scores on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam (Reading, Writing, Math)
    • ACT of 21 or higher 和 a passing score on the Praxis Core Writing Exam
  • 通识教育平均绩点2分.75 or higher to be able to complete Directed Teaching Internship
  • Recommendation of Division of Social Sciences 和 历史 faculty


The following courses are required to complete the major 社会及教育.


课程编号及 科目名称 学分
GEO 201: Introduction to Human Geography 3
GEO 303:世界区域地理 3
PSC 201:美国国家政府 3
PSC 406:国家和地方政府 3
SOC 420:教育社会学 3
HIS 101: 历史 of Civilization to 1648,
HIS 102: 历史 of Civilization, 1648-Present
HIS 103:世界历史到1500年,
他的201:美国历史至1877年 3
HIS 202: United States 历史, 1877-Present 3
第311课:密西西比的历史 3
Political Science electives, 300 level or above 9
Social Science 和/or 历史 electives 300 level or above 9
总计 48


要获得这个学位, you must successfully complete at least 120 credits, including your general education requirements 和 the major requirements below. No grade below C in a required major course or special degree requirements may be applied toward graduation. Any grade below C must be removed by repeating the course 和 earning a C or better grade.

通识教育 39-41
大学要求 1
特殊学位要求 9
专业教育 24
主要 48
总学位要求 121
  • Successful completion of all required coursework 和 Directed Teaching Internship
  • 实践II社会研究内容考试
  • Praxis II Principles of Learning 和 Teaching Exam

For more information on degree requirements 和 specifics on courses needed to complete the degree, 咨询本科生 学术目录. For a semester-by-semester breakdown on how you can complete this degree in 4-years, visit 学术地图.
